Tushar Nagpal

Tushar Nagpal

Top 14 Most Famous Vikings in History

Vikings were seafaring people from Scandinavia who were known for their fierce warrior culture, advanced shipbuilding technology, and artistic craftsmanship. Over time, famous Vikings have become legendary figures in popular culture, with portrayals in movies, TV shows, and literature.  This article…

7 Terraces of Dante’s Purgatory

Purgatorio is the second part of the epic poem Divine Comedy written by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri. After completing their journey through the nine circles of hell in Dante’s Inferno, Dante and Virgil reach the beginning of the climb…

Dante’s 9 Spheres of Heaven

The Nine Spheres of Heaven were described by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri in Dante’s Paradiso, the final part of the ‘Divine Comedy’ trilogy.  Dante’s ‘Paradiso’ begins after Dante completes his journey through the nine Circles of Hell to the…

Behind the Shield Wall: Spartan Weapons and Armor

The Spartans were a feared and respected warrior society in ancient Greece known for their rigorous training, discipline, and unwavering bravery on the battlefield. One of the reasons for their success was their sophisticated Spartan weapons. From the iconic spear…

Types of Gladiators in Ancient Rome

Gladiators were armed combatants who engaged in combat with other gladiators, condemned criminals, and wild animals to entertain the Roman public. Gladiators were widely recognized, and their value as entertainers was celebrated in high and low art forms throughout the…