The tragic love story of Orpheus and Eurydice of Greek mythology is a tale that fought against all the odds. Their tale has also been represented in various paintings of painters, such as Peter Paul Rubens and Nicolas Poussin.

Various plays, operas, and songs were dedicated to honor the love of Orpheus and Eurydice, whose story remained incomplete. Their love for each other was practically termed to be inseparable in many books and representations through plays.
Orpheus: Orpheus is a character in Greek mythology, who is famous as the greatest poet and musician of all time. There are various Hymes and texts that are attributed to him as well as the greatest greek epic Argonautica Orphica. His personality has remained a history as well as his existence just like his cult.
It is believed that he was the son of the god Apollo, and inherited his extreme talent in music from him. He lived in the Thrace region in the northeastern part of Greece. According to the myths, no god or mortal could resist his music.
Orpheus is accredited to have taught in agriculture, medicine, and writing to mankind. He had an adventurous personality and was believed to have taken part in the Argonautic expedition.
His music also saved the Argonauts from the Sirens, the strange female-like creatures who were seducing men with their nice voices, and then were trying to kill them. Orpheus fell in love with a beautiful nymph named Eurydice, and he won her heart by his singing.
Eurydice: Eurydice is considered more of a supporting character in the grander scheme of the Greek mythos. The mythology focussed more on the story of Orpheus and the associated story with her which is so captivating that it continues to inspire artwork, plays, operas, and more.
Eurydice is most often remembered as an Auloniad nymph. As a minor figure, her story and the information regarding her is so limited and a mystery. She is only renowned as the wife of the greatest musician Orpheus.
Lover Affair of Orpheus and Eurydice
The love story of the love birds Orpheus and Eurydice started with love at first sight. Orpheus was known for his melodious songs and music which no god was even able to resist. His extreme talent in idyllic pursuits of music and poetry.
Orpheus’ skill had far surpassed the fame and respect of his music. Well into his youth he was mastered in the art of lyre and music composition which lead him to gather audiences from afar. It was at one such gathering of humans and beasts that his eyes fell on a wood nymph. The girl was called Eurydice, she was beautiful and shy.
She was attracted and drawn to the mesmerizing lyre and the spell of beauty in music that Orpheus produced. She fell in love with him at the sight. They were so madly in love that soon they got married in the presence of Hymenaios, the god of marriage himself.
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Tragic Death of Eurydice
Tales of love don’t always have happy endings and this is one such tragic tale. While Orpheus and Eurydice were enjoying their marriage, there was one man who despised Orpheus and desired Eurydice for himself. The name of the man was Aristaeus who was a shepherd, who had plotted a plan to conquer the beautiful nymph. His desire for Eurydice led him to make an attempt to kill Orpheus at any cost when they were passing by through the bushes.
But, unfortunately, this lead to Eurydice to fall into the nest of the snakes and be bitten by a deadly viper. After knowing that there was no chance of survival of Eurydice, Aristaeus rushed away while cursing his luck and Orpheus.
After the death of Eurydice, his life without her seemed to be endless and could do nothing more than grieve for her. He also tried various ways to bring his wife back by going to the underworld underworld and using his lyre as an instrument to bring his wife back into the real world. But, unfortunately failed in his trial and their love story came to an abrupt end.
Death Of Orpheus
After the death of Eurydice, Orpheus became a heartbroken musician, who wandered disoriented, day after day, night after night, in total despair. He could find no consolation in anything. Orpheus was tormented and all his music and songs lost their beauty and the spark that they used to have and they all became sad songs instead after her death.
A group of angered women, furious for his scorn towards them, chanced upon him. The women killed him and cut his body into pieces, and threw them and his lyre into a river. His soul descended to Hades where it was believed that he was finally reunited with his beloved Eurydice.
Also Read: The Myth of Apollo and Hyacinthus: A Tragic Tale of Love