Erramatti Mangayamma, a farmer from the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, is believed to be the oldest person ever to give birth. She became pregnant through IVF, and doctors delivered the babies via Caesarean section. Reportedly, she was 73 years old when she gave birth to twin girls, making history.

The oldest mother to create a record in the scientific world is a woman from Andhra Pradesh who became pregnant at the age of 73 through an IVF procedure and delivered twin baby girls via Caesarean section. She opted for IVF after many years of being unable to conceive.
However, Yerramatti Mangayamma is now facing the rest of her days as a single mother after her husband, Raja, died of a heart attack at the age of 84, leaving behind his wife and their two 12-month-old daughters, Rama Tulasi and Uma Tulasi. Throughout the early years of their marriage, Yerramatti and Raja tried everything they could to conceive, consulting various specialists and experimenting with different medications, but nothing worked.
Their battle came to a heartbreaking end when Yerramatti entered early menopause at the age of 40. Nevertheless, her desire to become a mother led her to undergo IVF treatment and become a mother at the age of 73.
Yerramatti struggled for several years with various treatments and medications in her quest to conceive. Despite numerous attempts, they were unsuccessful. The sense of grief and loss never left her. Then, in the summer of 2018, when Yerramatti was 72, she heard that a woman in her village had given birth to a baby after undergoing IVF.
Although she knew that IVF would be challenging, she was determined to give it a try. Her desire to become a mother and her dedication drove her to take this chance. She started consulting various doctors about her situation, and after several tests that returned positive results, all the doctors agreed to help her.
Since Yerramatti was not producing any eggs due to her early menopause at 40, a donor egg was used, which was fertilized with Raja’s sperm. This resulted in her conceiving twin baby girls, delivered via C-section.
According to scientific theory, pregnancy over the age of 50 has become increasingly possible in recent years due to advancements in assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and cryopreservation, as well as advanced fertility medications.
However, medical science shows that the health risks associated with pregnancy increase with age, particularly after 40. Natural fertility ceases when a woman reaches menopause, which typically occurs between the ages of 43 and 51. Techniques like IVF have enabled women to conceive even after their natural menstrual cycles have ended.
History was made the day after Erramatti Mangayamma’s surgery. She had no history of ailments like hypertension or diabetes, and her genetic line was strong. After thorough examinations by cardiologists, pulmonologists, and other specialists, and following positive tests, the medical team decided to proceed with her treatment. Although she had reached menopause long ago, the IVF process restored her menstrual cycle in just one month, aiding her journey to conception.
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